- If you get an MICR error
during installation, you must remove the
CheckWriter Software using the remove utility in
the CheckWriter folder located in your Start Menu,
Programs section.
First run the uninstall
utility if available.
- Next, double click on the
MyComputer icon, on your desktop, and then on the folder
titled: FONTS
Open this folder and look for a font called MICR
or any font containing the letters MICR. If
you find one, or many, you must right click and
select DELETE.
MICR fonts from trial versions
of other check drafting packages will conflict with
the installation of CheckWriter.
- Also, if you have a
previous installation of CheckWriter 4.0 or prior,
and are reinstalling a newer version, you may have
to manually delete the font this way.
Once you are positive all
foreign MICR fonts are removed, follow the procedure
for installing CheckWriter again, and you should
eliminate your MICR conflicts.
- Be sure to properly
activate your new font.