started as revival of the
"Friends of the Lincoln Street Green Strip".

Great NEWS: Updated May 30, 2019

- The master plan is complete! 

- We are continuing neighbor funded cutting and
    litter pickup. The space still looks great!
    In 2019 the owners of 500 Lincoln Street are taking over
         100% of the monthly maintenance cost!

- Thanks to the Allston Brighton Community Development
    Corporation for sponsoring a Clean Up Day


The proponents of the new co-living development proposed to be constructed on the adjacent land, have committed to fund the master plan implementation through partnering.

They plan to work with Friends of the Lincoln Street Green Strip to use new potential grant money such as CPA funds. They have also committed their own funds, as well as committing to providing water and maintenance for the new space in perpetuity, once their project is permitted.


New 2019 Master Plan:  Master Plan Download PDF


 Neighborhood meeting was on SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 at 6PM

In 2018 local residents "Richard and Victoria"
secured a grant for $4,000 from the Harvard
Allston Partnership Fund for the Friends
of the Lincoln Street Green Strip.

This grant was for community outreach, and to

Where is this land located? 

500 Lincoln Street past Royal Street and
                 just beyond Mansfield Street. 
                                      HERE IS THE STRIP

What is it?

Up to 1 acre of 'lost' city owned land that is not maintained by the Parks Department or classified as park land. It is a gateway location and provides stairs and a ramp between Lincoln Street and Cambridge Street for people who are crossing between the two halves of Allston.

What happened in the past?

About 10 years ago, a great effort and substantial funding  improved this space, but failed to be sustainable.

What is happening now?
A revival of "Friends of the Lincoln Street Green Strip" has secured $4,000 in funding for community outreach and to create a master plan.

JUNE 2018: The owners of 500 Lincoln Street and "Friends of the Lincoln Street Green Strip" residents Richard and Victoria have privately funded an initial clean up. This includes litter removal, removal of fallen tree limbs, and 1 year of landscape maintenance, with monthly cutting and litter removal, performed by local landscapers Horgan Enterprises. Total cost $1,883.

APRIL 2019: The owners of 500 Lincoln Street took over the next year of landscape and maintenance. They are paying 100% of the cost out of pocket.

What will happen? What is the plan?

Interim Maintenance plan     STATUS: In Place
-  Use Harvard Allston Partnership Fund Grant to Create Master Plan   STATUS: Master Plan Complete

-  Create Master Plan in 2019    MASTER PLAN DUE DONE


Some photos:

Some photos of the previous conditions...

The Lincoln Street Green Strip still propagates invasive species.
These Trees of Heaven, on the state's prohibited plantings list, are responsible for sending millions of seeds throughout the neighborhood and are causing damage to local property.

The Strip is also a major source of the neighborhood's BLACK SWALLOW WART, also on the state's prohibited plantings list. .

The existing chain link fence is in disrepair.

More invasive propagation.

Utility poles are still sistered after a large Tree of Heaven uprooted during a storm knocking out power to the neighborhood.

Trees of Heaven are still growing into the power lines.

The only other tree type is also invasive - the Norway Maple. 

Sustainable trees are needed for beautification and erosion prevention.






What about other lost strips like this?
News about the Everett Street Green Strip on the Lincoln Street Side-

The Church of Scientology, new owners of 214 Lincoln Street have agreed to maintain it starting in the second week in July 2018. 
- Update July / August 2018: This strip looks great! The Church of Scientology organized and funded a clean up that removed over 100 invasive trees of heaven, as well as weeding, cleaning and pruning the space.

The Everett Street Strip across from 119 Braintree Street on the Braintree Street side is also in Allston, and it is beautifully maintained, and privately funded by the owner across the street, Braintree Street Realty:   Their own staff cut, trim and weed the space as if it were their own.


Here is a GO FUND ME PAGE set up just for the benefit of the Lincoln Street Green Strip.







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