RoutingTool Response Codes:

 weblink_code |         short_descr         |    descr                                                  
 WE20         | TEMPORARY ERROR             | A temporary error occurred while processing the
                                              request, please try again later
 WF01         | VALIDATED                   | The routing number has been successfully located 
                                               in the routing number database.
 WN02         | RTN INFORMATION UNAVAILABLE | The routing number has been successfully validated, 
                                              but no information is available regarding the 
                                              specific institution
 WE11         | PREAUTH VENDOR ERROR        | There was a transmission error or other failure.
 WE10         | INVALID ROUTING NUMBER      | The routing number supplied is invalid.
 WE12         | PREAUTH VENDOR UNAVAILABLE  | Access to RoutingTool is not currently available.
 WE13         | INSUFFICIENT FUNDS          | The routingtool account has insufficient funds to
                                               perform the designated task
 WE14         | COMMUNICATIONS ERROR        | An error occurred while trying to query the remote
                                              data provider, please try again later