The function that follows will allow you to quickly replace MPS.SendMail in all of your ASP scripts.
To use the function, first place it at the begining of any scripts that currently use MPS.Sendmail. Once you've done that, remove any lines reading 'Set something = Sever.CreateObject ("MPS.SendMail")', then replace all occurances 'something.SendMail' with 'sendMessage'.
For example, this:
something =
errorCode = something.SendMail ("From",
"To", "Subject", "Body")
would become this:
errorCode = sendMessage ("From",
"To", "Subject", "Body")
Function sendMessage (mailFrom, mailTo, mailSubject, mailBody)
' sendMessage takes the same parameters as MPS.SendMail
' response = sendMessage (From, To, Subject, Body)
Set mailer = Server.CreateObject ("SMTPsvg.Mailer")
mailer.FromAddress = mailFrom
mailer.AddRecipient "", mailTo
mailer.Subject = mailSubject
mailer.BodyText = mailBody
mailer.RemoteHost = ""
If mailer.Sendmail then
Send message
sendMessage = True
' Email was sent ok, return True
' Send Failure
sendMessage = mailer.Response
' Return error message
end if
end function